I don't care too much, but I guess I'm glad they exist. A nice cop once gave me a $10 seatbelt ticket instead of a ~$200 ticket for going 20 mph over the limit (I was actually wearing my seatbelt at the time too).
WTH is wrong with people? Would you like the dentist to come check you every night to make sure you brushed and flossed? Would you like your doctor to give you a citation for eating too much Mcdonalds? Maybe you would also prefer the fire marshall to write you a ticket for smoking in bed or having incense lit.
I don't get it. When did Americans decide they needed the govt. to monitor and punish citizens for not making good choices?
When making bad decisions is officially outlawed, you can kiss any perception of freedom goodbye.
This is the same thing as the helmet law....I used to ride motorcycles....I don't anymore because of the helmet law.....I know it is very dangerous, but still do not like riding with a helmet....I can't stop driving a car, so I deal with it.
If a man wants to fly thru his windshield it should be his own choice.Who wants cut in half by a seatbelt when you can get launched like a rocket and really get your moneys worth.If you are young I guess they are a good idea but for an old guy hell car wreck or nursing home.Give me the good loud grinding crash any day.